Basic Leadership Training ( LDKS )

Basic Leadership Training known as LatihanDasarKepemimpinanSiswa( LDKS). Basic Leadership Training Is a training for students that will make students have an attitude of leaders. Leaders have the attitude of disciplined, wise, firm, brave, responsible, caring, and many more.

I am a student of 3 Senior High School, so Basic Leadership Training is compulsory for all students. Basic Leadership Training was held when when the students in 10 grade , if someone can’t do it in 10 grade they have to do it in 11 grade with 10 grade. This program is one of the requirements of graduation.

For 32020, Basic Leadership Training was held from 21 September until 23 September in Pusenif. First day we have to come to Pusenif at 06.30 and make a row based on the class. After that, we divided by a group call class. First activity is we sat in aula and hear what the soldier say, watch video, learn more about pusenif, learn more about Indonesia, have a lunch, and many more. After that we put our bag at dorm and go back to aula for another learning. In the first day, our activity just in aula.

After our activity finished, we go to the dorm to sleep. At midnight, we have to wake up and make al line in front of the dorm building. We have to wear  outdoor trousers, but I wear training. So, all of students who didn’t wear outdoor trousers have to go to field and do push up, back up, sit up, and others athletics activity. Because I wear training, I have to do it too. After that, we sleep again until at least 4 am to praying for muslim.

Second day, we learn about the line of march or PBB (Peraturan Baris Berbaris ) in bahasa from morning until afternoon. At least 4 pm we are going to Taman Makan Pahlawan by walking. In Taman Makan Pahlawan we have to walking without lamp in a group of three. Before start we were given a later and we have to remember the later and send it to the person that mentined on the later, we can’t say the content to other people. If we send it to the wrong person, we failed on that mission. On the way, there are a post, we have to do something in that post if we want to continue our way. Everypost have different something to do. We come back to Pusenif at midnight and we sleep.

Third day, our activity is outbond. There are a post, every post have different games. My group first games is we have to bring in water by cooperation. The second games is we have to throw an axe and the axe have to adhered to a wood. Third games is we have to passed a net from a rope. Fourth games is we have to walk in a bridgr by one rope and shout “tiga”. Fifth games is we have to creep and if we don’t bow down our head, we can hit the mine. The last games  we have to moved our frinds from side the net to ather side without our friend body touch the net. After we finished our activity, we prepare our things to go back to house. Before come home,  we do closing ceremony and the we come back to house. Basic Leadership Training finished at least 3 pm. I hope I can be better after attend Basic Leadership Training.


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